"always staying two or three steps ahead"
Ideas for workshops and sessions
Candidate ROE's
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The objectives of this session is to think about what your ROE's would be in a number of situations
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Pt 1. Needs analyses
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Scenario. recruiters spend 25 mins doing a needs analysis each (separate times for them to do this) Clients have scenario. i am also client.
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Pt2 The proposal
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The objectives of this session is everyone understands what a good proposal needs to look like and what content needs to be in it. second half the recruiters write one (the "clients" join each rec group so join in)
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Pt3 The Pitch
The recruiters will then have 30 mins to pitch the proposal and answer questions.
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Uncovering problems with the passive canddiate
looks at you dont get exclusivity from active candidates. passive ones. built up relationship. its a result. as soon as you pitch it then it makes you look silly.
The objectives of this session is to discuss how you need to do a needs analysis on canddiates who are passively looking (as well as understand their motivations because the probability of them declining an offer is much higher due to them not being Active
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Candidate "Exclusivity"
looks at you dont get exclusivity from active candidates. passive ones. built up relationship. its a result. as soon as you pitch it then it makes you look silly.
The objectives of this session is to identify the shift in mentality every candidate and client has during the recruitment process.
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Shift in mindset
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The objectives of this session is to identify the shift in mentality every candidate and client has during the recruitment process.
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Advanced interview Debrief
The objectives of this session is to develop on what you learnt in the "shift in mindset" specifically relating to how we can question more effectively
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Advanced influencing course
series of scenarios which get the trainee to think about how they need to change or adapt their sales approach depending on who it is they are speaking with and their personality .
Advanced influencing Pt1
The objectives of this session is to identify how we make decisions and explore the part our limbic systems plays in the process.
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Advanced influencing Pt2
The objectives of this session is to develop on from Pt1 and look at needs analysis V fact finding.
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Advanced influencing Pt3
The objectives of this session is to look at how case studies and tangible data can be used to influence.
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Personality types
The objectives of this session is to look at how case studies and tangible data can be used to influence.
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Scenario 1
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candidate is very focused on status and reputation. how do you influence someone in that circumstance?
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scenario 2
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selling to someone who is fearful.. i.e. how do you reassure and influence someone who is considering taking a counter offer?
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scenario 3
how do you influence someone who is very logical and thinks about the bigger picture?
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Business meetings
The objectives of this session is to identify and explore how non verbal cues can help us question and influence more effectively in F2F meetings.
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